
There's no such thing as an appropriate joke


misc shit

so here's this week's stuff

A tip of the hat to

1) seward cafe. I had a really nice, three hour long brunch there yesterday with mama and her friends. we sat outside for hours and yakked and drank coffee. even though none of the matthews park people were there, they still chose that place for some reason. damn, for 21 years I've been going there, and I still haven't had a bad experience

2) Works For Me. It's this group of richers who want to pay more in income taxes because they think it's the socially responsible thing to do. They have noblesse oblige. Crazy.

3) CS Lewis. I read mere christianity yesterday in the sun, and I loved it. he can make these great profound philosophical arguments available to the common man

4) Dare I say gruman? a name I don't like so much, but I was looking for something to read last week and I cam across this book lucky jim. i remembered that it was his favorite book, so I got it and read it. it was great!!!!!!!!!! damn him and his impeccably good taste.

Wag of the finger

1) Mark Trail! I mean I do have a love-hate relationship with them, but do they still have to be so stereotypical towards women?

2) Being ill. it's so lame. I was long overdue though. It was kinda nice to have an excuse to stay in bed all day on saturday though.

3) annie and don. what does it take to get a voicemail or text returned these days. at least don stopped by on saturday to make up for his being so lame.

4) lynnea and sarah, for putting me in the middle of this stupid tiff they have.

so my crush of the week is erik. he already got crush of the week once, but he deserves it again since he's really all i can think of right now. you see he's more than my crush at this point, but i'm not quite sure what. I guess he's this guy I see sometimes. or just a friend with benefits, but no, more than that I guess. I have no idea where we are going, but we definetely have an expiration date, and i'm fine with that. it makes out short time together this summer even more special. we're so poorly matched, yet both really into each other. I spend my days blogging and listening to Of Montreal on my iPod and he spends his day skateboarding and listening to Tool and shit, but we still click. and he's really hot. and he has great hair, i must say.


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