
There's no such thing as an appropriate joke


tip of the hat

1) Madeline and Sean. this is the biggest tip I have ever given anyone... ever. as you all know the house at 22nd has a long, twisted history of which I used to be a part. it was nasty, undecorated and neglected. for over a year the place sat there with un packed boxes, empty walls, etc. sean has begun decorating and keeping the place clean. sean and madeline made the backyard very enjoyable with a gazebo, garden, legal fire thing, swing, etc. it's so nice to be there. sean brought in air hockey, more decorations etc. he even does the things that others would not want to, like wash the laundry that greg left in the basement months ago. Kudos, sean and madeline!!!!!

2) Don. he gave me a crap ton of books, insisted i take them even. a huge thank you from all of us here, all of us being me.

3) my coworkers, specifically susan, who makes it so my job is not so ungodly boring.

4) the science museum, the exhibit was great, just great/

a wag of the finger to

1) the science museum parking lot. there were no signs for exits and all the elevator signs were so totally wrong.

2) the daily show and the colbert report. since when do they think that they can just take off all the time that they want. huh, neve

3) 35w southbound. it's like if you miss the 94 or 55 exit, you have to go like two miles to the next exit, south 36 ave, way the fuck in uptown. and no one wants to do that.

4) dare I say Andrew? I love him so much and miss him so much already. but he left his room a complete mess. I'm going to clean it, i.e. dust, vaccum and pickup trash. but i'm doing it only for the sake of the kid who's moving in, not for andrew's sake. not to mention all the nasty ass shit, like month old OJ he left in the fridge. like I want to deal with that.


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