Sunshine supergrrrrl!!!!!!
So I'll do a weekly tip of the hat right now since I haven't met/seen anyone worthy of weekly crush in the past week. except of course for DJ, my former debate coach. but somehow that seems i guess p was my official coach.
A tip of the hat to
1) MNDoT. or the tourism department. or whoever runs the first rest stop on our side of 94. we stopped for free coffee, and ended up getting free coffee, cookies, a 2006 map and state park guide. all for free. all given to us by full time staff. I was wearing only a skirt and swimsuit top, an equally scantily clad navigator and Korai (who sports some hippie bumperstickers). And I got first-one-in to Minnesota.
2) Lilacs. The white ones are now blooming. it's been over a month, and I can still enjoy lilacs and lilies in my home!
3) Man Ray. I've had this poster on my wall for the f word, the senior fashion show I modeled in. It's a cool pic, but I always figured it was just some google images pic. Hilary was over last week, and told me that she liked the Man Ray on my wall. I figured nothing of it and assumed she was mistaken. Then she mentioned that she considered tatooing that man ray on her back. so snottily I said there was no Man Ray on my wall and tried to one-up her. what a mistake. There was, that poster. But turns out we are both right, it's a copy of a man ray. this is the original

and i can't find the f word one. it's slightly different.
4) Milwaukee. my two milwaukee future-roomies, sarah and emily, are clothesaholics like me. last week they had five bags of shit to get rid of and I took two of them. plus I got these awesome shoes. check it out

A wag o' the finger to
1) SPPD. So I dressed a little skanky last night to go see lynnea. It was late, really hot and I was only going out because I hadn't seen her in months. I had not planned on going anywhere other than her house. She's a smoker still, so we walked to SA, which is only like four blocks from her house. We went when the light was green but the man red because it was too late to be going and no one was exiting 35E. So we look like skanky girl and surfer-blonode-boyfriend from behind, and we get this mean siren/honk thing. we turned and the police sirened at us. they were going the other way, and we were still fine. assholes. here's my yesterday outfit, admire my tan and note half the f word poster.

2) shirtless beer dude. so one man was not G rated at the campground. the overweight, winston-smoking, bud-light-drinkin, fisher who listened to country. He invited us to go drink with him and sit around the fire. when we were hesitant, he said "i ain't weird or anything" anyone who says that is weird.
3) Either PBR or emily and i. it seems weird saying that when I just tipped to Milwaukee. but emily and I brought the PBR from when Sarina and I got it in Hudson, and we couldn't finish it. granted we were a bit burned out, literally. Still, when in rome............. and by rome i mean in wisconsin. btw, wi's first rest stop sucks....and i forgot to do first-one-in..
4) Walker Art Center. for the first time ever I was asked for a badge. a big thanks to max for getting me one from the ground. otherwise i'd a had to ask lade or something... and we did get into the art room in the basement.
btw, is this a mustache emoticon 8-{
my friend Emily actually got the Man Ray tattoos. while she was in South Africa.
then, when she got back, her parents freaked out thinking she might have gotten HIV from the needles used for the tattoo.
but she got tested, and she's fine.
why have I never read your blog before?
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