
There's no such thing as an appropriate joke


no, not my brother, sicko.

So I'll begin with this week's crush.
He's just so cute and sweet. I went to a party at 22nd on Friday with Emily. as always I found myself talking to eric because, well he's such a good conversationalist. the poor thing apparentely moved into kevin's place for the summer, as a note, Kevin is in India for engineers w/o borders. the place shares a kitchen with four other people. kevin described them as really cool, eric calls them really awkward and old. for the note, kevin thinks that anyone who likes music from the 60s and 70s and doesn't wear formal clothing is cool. On top of all this, eric is like supersmart, i think. at least i get that impression, and i think he's an honor student, like me. he's like me, a hippie, but an active and aware chick. i remember we were going to run for secia together, but something happened there. He ended up walking me home on friday, wearing this helmet I made last fall and found at the house. he loved that i said the points were inspired by hermes' feathers. i'm not sure he got that it was only made for ascetic purposes, as he kept saying, I don't think this would really protect me.

* not all of my crushes are celebrities, nor are they all unobtainable. all of you are subject to be being my crush. and as much of a crush as I have on eric at the moment, i would never make a move on him. he has a girlfriend, so i might as well be happy for him. after all, he'd be happy for me


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