I didn't even have to show my boobs
Today I went home for the first long period of time since i don't know, easter probably. I was home a short time, one night this summer, to get some camping gear from my mom's house, for one night to go to the dentist and for one night for Mickey's funeral.
Now this is my fourth night at my mom's!
It's weird being here for so long, I have to say. I still manage to get very little done.
here are some highlights, or typical brainerd things to do that I have had the chance to do.
1) Color the turkey at grandma's before thanksgiving dinner.
2) Have all the family there for dinner and even betty and janet and then graham and freida for dessert.
3) Have max and maya over for some tv watching, this time an ali g marathon. funny shit!
4) Go to perkins. We went thursday night at twelve thirty and were there until two. I bought some cigarettes because I could smoke indoors, barely made it through three even with the help of Graham, another pathetic-i-only-smoke-in-brainerd type and left them there. The old homeless guy was there, the dorky manager guy, the normal crew really.
5) Aitkin Fish House Parade! This was a new one for me, although it was the sixteenth annual. I first heard of this parade maybe five years ago on Let's Bowl, one of the greatest tv shows ever. Created by some brainerd people and hopkins people (the genuis responsible for MST3K) and was on kare 11 forever and then was briefly picked up on comedy central. So we never did go. and then this friday it ws in the fifties, sunny and warm so mom, martha, grandma, carter and I went. the highlight was theelvis float. It was elvis dancing and singing on a float with a some brides behind him fishing for bridegrooms with panties on a string. A little risque for Aitkin, MN. it was the float of some elvis wedding chapel. I got some mardi gras beads and i didn't even have to show my boobs! and some candy. at first i felt bad about taking all the candy from little kids, but they had bagfuls and were fat and greedy little fucks. Seriously, they were all fat, I was sorta dude watching, was mom, and this was not only men looking in Aitkin, MN, which was the only stop light in the whole goddamn county, but it was the type who ice fishes. there were tons dressed in FOXRACING shirts and camo hats. eww.
Here's a photo of Let's Bowl's entry in the parade. I can't remember what they had for a fishhouse, but they had T and A, scotch and cigarettes.

6) Butler's. Then we went to Butler's the big store in downtown. It was techinically a fabric store. But it also had some displays downstairs and was maybe a museum. There was an old general store to look at, a bunch of sea shells, a manequin in an indian outfit, a headdress, etc. the store was so cute, and the underwear display was also adorable. about as 1960 as you can get, really.
7) Deerwood and Crosby. How can you go to Aitkin and not got o deerwood? well there restaurant was closed, so we went to a place in Crosby that just sucked. We were the only people in there and it took so long for everything. Waitresses are so fat in these small towns.
8) The cashwise run in. So of course I saw dylan, jenna and graham at the store. and invited them to my dance party.
9) Kirstin. Kirstin of Yale, famous for being so distant all of a sudden, was in Brainerd! and she only lives blocks from my house, and she didn't come! that would have been so fun to see her, we haven't seen each other for years.
Doesn't downtown Aitkin look sprawling?
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