last weekend the high was 70. it was gorgeous.
then it got nasty for halloween.
now the high is 60 everyday from now until thursday.
YEAH, so I can bike to school still, hoop outside, have my window slightly open, etc. it's fucking gorgeous out considering it is november.
So when I volunteer on tuesday for the election, it will be gorgeous outside. YEAH!
last night I was hooping outside into the morning hours it was so hot!
I even learned a really cool new trick. i gotta get some video and put it up.
SO the trick, if you're wondering, is that i can guide the hoop from my wait to above my head and back down quickly and smoothly. the trick is guiding, not grabbing, looking confident and listening to prince.
i honestly can't think of a better song to hoop to than "sexy motherfucker" so please download that song if you've never heard it.
I can't believe that lynnea is actually moving to new york. i gotta get out.
I've been having these "what should i do with the rest of my life" freak-outs lately. I mean, now i have three classes and three jobs. and in less than two months I'll only have al's. should I see if i can get a job in greece with MARWP, the lab I work in now?
PRO: I get to live in Greece and do archaeology. CON: I make no money, and I will have some loans to pay off soon. it also interferes with the law school plan.
I think I will for sure intern with my aunt if I don't. I can't really pass up a job opportunity that good.
Should I go to grad school and maybe have some sort of degree by the time I am thirty? Should I stick with art and archaeology? Should I do a post-bac language program and become a full-blown archaeologist? Should I do art history as my professors want me to do?
Should I go to law school like I want to do. get a crappy job as a do-gooder and later sell out and become a high-paid business woman?
Should I just see what happens?
Should I do something like peacecorps or teach for america?
Should I move out east?
too many questions to think about.
I'm going to go see an inconvenient truth now, for free at coffman.
second movie I've seen this weekend.
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