So from now on my posts will be different. I made a three dollar investment I have been meaning to make for along time. I bought a small notepad at the mia giftshop so I can write down things and remember to blog about them. always a big problem for me.
I'll just do a bullet point for everything in my list today
1) Car. gonna be in good shape again, and I get a rental car courtesy of insurance!
2)Bridge and mia. So I was needing to drive from NE central to the mia during rushhour. avoiding the freeways and their hectecness during rush hour, I took central all the way down and went across teh second ave bridge. Instead of freaking out and getting on hennepin downtown, I stayed the course and guess what, IT TOOK ME OVER THE FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT BRIDGE!!!!!!!! I drive under it all the time on 94, but this was the first time i ever went under it which turnes into third avenue on the otherside of downtown, and is like four blocks from the mia! so on top of the new bridge, i found a new fast path through downtown in the heart of skyscrapers, another view i love! here's a pic with a slice of downtown, and note the leds!

3) M for MACHO. So a prof went off today about he thought the U's M was too macho and how h hated looking at it. and how it was such a waste to have someone else design it when we have a studio arts department. here's our not-gopher goldy the gopher with the flag

4)Brown and Black. Soat the mia I noticed like six people mixing brown and black. from various ages and degrees of hipness.
5)Jack Lenor Larsen. This is this really cool textile artist who has some rooms in the new wing. I love his psychadelic prints that the U actually owns and just took out of archive. I will wear and all! If you can't go to the free museum and see it, click on the link!
6) Target Model. he doesn't deserve much. just a guy in class
7)ground score. So in a great ground score I ended up with a really cool scarf! second cool scarf I have gotten on a groun score in a month. It was also from the mia, and ameera was like "did someone lose their scarf?" and no one claimed it, so I took it.
8)lobby, weird soup thing and calvin and hobbes. They had the best calvin and hobbes I have ever seen.and this weird dispenser thing with four powders - two coffee, one cocoa and one soup. and then you add hot water. ew!
9)midterm. this is fucking awesome! so i have onemidterm left of my undergraduate career. it's in the class that i took a midterm for last week, the one i celebrated with tara. and the professor says today that he was so pleased with them that we aren't having the second midterm! NO MORE MIDTERMS! now just one research paper, a final and some small thing! my score, 97!
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