
There's no such thing as an appropriate joke


what have i done that is interesting today?

I was at the DFL celebration for a long time last night.
And this time it didn't end in tears, as it did two years ago when I was at the DFL event.
I remember that night. I worked all summer to get kerry elected. voluntered,worked, called, knocked on doors,etc.
This time I volunteered a total of less than ten hours. and it was awesome

also, the DFL charges five dollars for a bottle of beer! You can get a six pack for that much money! anywho, it didn't matter. I was downtown st paul, so was hatch, otto, swanson, etc. and everyone who was anyone! Oh man. also, i went with graham, which was okay, but he knew everyone there and I knew noone.

So what have I done today?
got up early and confirmed that yes, Pawlenty did lose, we did win the house and have half of the senate. Then when I was at work, I got a text that Rumsfeld is resigning, whipped out my iBook, confirmed it, read the news to the counter, and we all cheered.
then went to a meeting. Then went to to grade. then went to sgt preston's for happy hour, then came here to class slightly buzzed. then talked to a fellow student while smelling bad, in dirty clothes and probably smelling like beer. But the last time I washed my hair, republicans were in majority, I put on my clothes before I worked at al's, and well, I'm tired!

What should i do? wash my hair at five in the morning?

and I just watched the britney spears sex tape in class


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