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I played a great game of scrabble tonight!
wooooh. last night in minnetonka was a lot of fun!
we watched bend it like beckham and then some other movie on hbo. beckham was good, but the other one sucked. and, as sometimes in the case, ewan mcgregor was the only good thing. i never looked up the info, but it was kinda like the matrix, very interesting philosophically, but sucks as a movie.
here's the premise, the epicurian view and why I agree with it.
PREMISE: some man has found a way to cloan humans so that they can always have a replacement body part. he knows it's wrong and that people won't like it, so he doesn't tell anyone about where he gets the organs from. entire underground colony of clones, two escape, tear shit up and get it on.
before i get to epicurus, let me start with evil. I just wrote a paper on evil last week and read a book on it. So the guy with the clone colony, he knows that what he us doing requires him to break a natural barrier in the human mind, and thus creates the insurance front and tells no one about the clones. He also feels guilty, for he becomes aware that the clones have emotion, but never really thought. So he fills them with memories and creates an illusion that they will soon be rewarded through a lottery system.
He has transformed him ego in that of a hero, embiggening lives and curing diseases.
and of course there's aristotle's the mind wants to know. somehow the mind of ewan's clone began to wonder and become human like, so he takes his bff and leaves.
Sorry for the photo, but we're discussing philosopher types in hellenistic art tomorrow.I have demosthenes, but this is a better statue, and it's epicurus

anywho, to epicurus, one of my favs!
So the question arises, is it wrong to make clones and keep them isolated in an elaborate underground colony, completely unaware of the real world?
We would say no. The clones are happy and completely unaware of the outside world. If they don't know what they're missing and they can't experience it, they can't be harmed. The clones were kept happy with the facade of oneday getting chosen in the lottery to go to the island (i.e. have your organs removed and then killed) They have no knowledge of this, and when they do realize there is no island, they are dying, and therefore can not experience anger resentment against the system because they can not experience anything without their bodies.
Why do I agree with this, well, if you can't experience something, it's not bad for you. while the clones would have truth and freedom outside, they didn't know their potential and were happy in their ignorance, thus I believe they can't experience relative harm.
I'm sorry that's poorly written and organized. me tired
I think the movie's called "The Island." It features Steve Buscemi as some crazy technician, right?
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