I wish I had a picture of her to put up for you all, so you could see just how cute my cat is. She is the cutest thing in the whole world. Those who knew her would agree. She would sleep with you everynight and lick your arm so long that it would hurt.
Anyway. she died. suddenly, alone. Last week she had a limp so my mom took her to both the vet and pet psychic. Both agreed that it was just a sprang and nothing to be worried about. Her limp was much better by the end of the week. My mom went to spend the weekend with the exboyfriend she can't let go of for some reason, and went to ely.
When she left mickey was happy, almost healed, etc. Sunday night my mom got hom, and she was dead. Was this related to the limp? If it was, the vet didn't pick up on it. It's just so tradgic that she was young and healthy and no one saw this coming.
Anyway, enough about her death. We just have to accept that there was no reason to believe she was going to die.
I got Mickey from the neighbors in August 2000. It was after allis died. and allis was cool and all that, but I only knew her as a bitter spinster. She liked me and I her, but she never ever played. Then there was cleo who rocked with the quickness, then robbie. Robbie still rocks so hard. but I wanted a kitten. and a few months later I got a kitten, Mickey.
Mickey always was a baby. She's an attention whore and will follow you around the house and hug your leg until you pay attention to her, like Bella does now with me. At the neighbors there was a real baby and mickey did not like competing with it for attention. She began shitting under beds, etc. Never a problem at our house. It took Mrs. Robinson a while to accept mickey, but she slowly did. And she fell in love with us immeadiately. She belonged with us. My mom knew this when she first saw mickey, mickey knew this, I knew this, etc. in less than a week she gave up on the neighbors all together. She was so so so so so so so so so cute.
At age six, when she died. She was just as cute and playful as ever. the last time I saw her she slept with me all night and kicked the ass of a bear, they are evil after all. She would play with strings, cords, screen savers, etc. just so fucking adorable.
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