I'll give you something more cheery to look at. The death of Mickey has just overhwlemed me lately. I can't believe how sad I am about it. It's good, though. After my rather calloused to manney's death and mike's death (less so) and germain's death, I needed some reassurance that I can mourn properly.
Or maybe I can't, since our funeral turned into scotch drinking and uncalled for Simpsons quoting. Mom needs witty kids around, because whenever it's a family thing and that awkward silence hits in, she spews off like ten simpsons quotes in a row. well maybe not ten, and it's not so awkward, but she did at the funeral.
Good thing I have such awesome friends here in Minneapolis. I have had an extremely busy social life. Just like all summer, it just never stops.
Tonight we are having a birthday party for Dane. It will coincide with the first Talking Heads Dance Party local convention and the Minnesote Urban Hoopers group! feel free to come on over.
On another note, our upstairs neighbors are LAME. really lame. one, nick, isn't so bad. but still. So we don't have a router. or we have a non-working one, and we asked the boys if they wanted to share the internet with us, and they said no. why? because we would slow down their downloading? Which is so not true because we don't download, just facebook and e mail and shit. And it would be cheaper for everyone if we shared internet. fuck them up their lame asses. Not to mention, they're unfriendly and boring.
On another note, being a TA is great!
AND I'M GRADUATING DECEMBER TENTH!!!! AwwwwAwwwAwwwweesoooooooooooome!
So this weekend we went to a gellery opening over in north east, and it was cool.
I can see why the northeast is considered so cool. After all, it is home to Nye's, the Best Bar in America. And you can't beat that! Now can you.
Plus it was good to get out and go to a gallery opening. I have only just begun to get seriously immersed in the Minneapolis Art scene. and by seriously immersed, I mean seeing some shit. But I had a mini O when I saw the psychadelic fabrics at the MIA this weekend. OMG!!!!!
Oh, any my crush of the week has to be rollin! He's so cute, sweet, cuddly, domestic, sorta buff, hot, artsy and great. He's one of those people that you just love as soon as you see them. On friday he sat on my lap on the rocking chair, which was super awesome. He was super cuddly and nice, then he brought us all back to his house for food. on accounta I don't eat meat, he made two sauces for the noodles, and was generally a great guy to be around. I really like him.
Rollin is part of this group of friends that I've suddenly been thrown into. It's people that I have known forever. it's like they all just merged, or I'm an idiot. I have no idea. but i like this new group. unlike my friends who only have one goal in a night, these people are more fun.
And emily is my tightest friend right now. she's awesome, just let me say.
Am I going to start hooking up with Jake again? I can't tell. I want to and I don't. I want to because he's hot and I'm horny, but I don't because that was two years ago.
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