
There's no such thing as an appropriate joke


first ever

I just finished my first ever cryptoquip!!!!!!!
I usually don't even bother trying, and when I do I gigure out like four letters and quit. I'm suspecting like the crossword, it gets harder as the week goes on. So here's what I did

I turned



when a person's hat is within reach, i suppose you could call that a handy cap.

man, look mnopq are all vowels. I wonder if there's always patterns like that. nope, scratch that. I'm way off

warhol? warhol?

so i've been at work for six hours now. i smell so bad. i guess i forgot to put on deodarant before i came to work this morning. if anyone was wondering, i switched from the stone to toms.

so as you know in one week from today I will be turning 21! There are lots of things that I want, here's a list so you get the idea

1) big-ass backpack, the kind I can take on the trains across europe

2) a stereo system that plays and charges my iPod at the same time

3) some chacos

4) some new running shoes, I'm size 8.5

5) a cd player for Korai, since the iTrip sucks and drains all my batteries

6) some money

7) a summer membership to the rec

8) some more money

and lots, lots more.

so this job is so confusing sometimes, and no, I don't have that much to do. next week I will be getting more hours at the library. too bad that job is so boring.

and thanks to my mom! the only present that i can be sure I am getting is a ticket to body works. I've been excited about this exhibit for months, and I'm gonna go on sunday!!!!!!! how frickin cool is that.

so on thursday two big things happen. Andrew leaves. and we haven't hung out forever. because well I don't necessarily want to hang out with him all the time, and he's been in a bad mood lately. also Sam moves down here on thursday! my brother only four blocks away from me, in a town hundreds of miles from home. my awkward, older half-brother may also be living with him this summer, i'm not one hundred percent sure on that. in any case, it'll be nice to have my little bro so close to me!

i fucked up a two star sudoku today. how the fuck did i do that?????????

did i mention that I assembled a chair today. and not just any chair, an executive chair

time is just like, relative, man

so no soon after I said that I didn't find anyone worthy of a crush of the past week, did I find two, or maybe even three. But specifically one, Eric.
let me just say now, that this is a new eric, one I have never met before.
At first I was thrown off when I met him, thinking he was insane. He rode his bike from St Paul to Minneapolis in shorts (long style), socks, shoes and a large black t shirt!!!! It has been 90 plus for the past three days, we were hanging around wearing practically nothing, literally clay and greg were only wearing shorts, me a sundress and lynnea had on short skirt and tank top. So I was like, is he insane? then I saw he had a "He's not my president" pin on, identical to mine. but he also had dreads, and I feel conflicted on dreads and think they look stupid on most people.
Then I found out he just moved back from portland. What does he do there? Goes to Lewis and Clark and minors in religious studies. Sounds like one of the biggest girl crushes I've ever had (ma)! all these lc kids in my life all of a sudden. whaaaaa.
But he's really smart and funny, and we had some good conversations indeed. i think he thinks i'm a christian, though.
I can't remember where he fell on the deodarant debate. I hope he is pro deodarant, or else he's just a smelly hippie boy with dreads.
all in all last night was a good time and I am sure that i will see this eric again this summer. knowing me, i'll be over at greg and clay's a lot this summer!
party on dudes!


Sunshine supergrrrrl!!!!!!

So I'll do a weekly tip of the hat right now since I haven't met/seen anyone worthy of weekly crush in the past week. except of course for DJ, my former debate coach. but somehow that seems wrong.plus i guess p was my official coach.

A tip of the hat to

1) MNDoT. or the tourism department. or whoever runs the first rest stop on our side of 94. we stopped for free coffee, and ended up getting free coffee, cookies, a 2006 map and state park guide. all for free. all given to us by full time staff. I was wearing only a skirt and swimsuit top, an equally scantily clad navigator and Korai (who sports some hippie bumperstickers). And I got first-one-in to Minnesota.

2) Lilacs. The white ones are now blooming. it's been over a month, and I can still enjoy lilacs and lilies in my home!

3) Man Ray. I've had this poster on my wall for the f word, the senior fashion show I modeled in. It's a cool pic, but I always figured it was just some google images pic. Hilary was over last week, and told me that she liked the Man Ray on my wall. I figured nothing of it and assumed she was mistaken. Then she mentioned that she considered tatooing that man ray on her back. so snottily I said there was no Man Ray on my wall and tried to one-up her. what a mistake. There was, that poster. But turns out we are both right, it's a copy of a man ray. this is the original

and i can't find the f word one. it's slightly different.

4) Milwaukee. my two milwaukee future-roomies, sarah and emily, are clothesaholics like me. last week they had five bags of shit to get rid of and I took two of them. plus I got these awesome shoes. check it out

A wag o' the finger to
1) SPPD. So I dressed a little skanky last night to go see lynnea. It was late, really hot and I was only going out because I hadn't seen her in months. I had not planned on going anywhere other than her house. She's a smoker still, so we walked to SA, which is only like four blocks from her house. We went when the light was green but the man red because it was too late to be going and no one was exiting 35E. So we look like skanky girl and surfer-blonode-boyfriend from behind, and we get this mean siren/honk thing. we turned and the police sirened at us. they were going the other way, and we were still fine. assholes. here's my yesterday outfit, admire my tan and note half the f word poster.

2) shirtless beer dude. so one man was not G rated at the campground. the overweight, winston-smoking, bud-light-drinkin, fisher who listened to country. He invited us to go drink with him and sit around the fire. when we were hesitant, he said "i ain't weird or anything" anyone who says that is weird.

3) Either PBR or emily and i. it seems weird saying that when I just tipped to Milwaukee. but emily and I brought the PBR from when Sarina and I got it in Hudson, and we couldn't finish it. granted we were a bit burned out, literally. Still, when in rome............. and by rome i mean in wisconsin. btw, wi's first rest stop sucks....and i forgot to do first-one-in..

4) Walker Art Center. for the first time ever I was asked for a badge. a big thanks to max for getting me one from the ground. otherwise i'd a had to ask lade or something... and we did get into the art room in the basement.

btw, is this a mustache emoticon 8-{


a list

I just got a call from Lynnea, she's in NYC, getting ready to come back to minneapolis!!

aww/ so here's my summer to do list

1) as many $3 Twins games as possible

2) Got to New York. this should be easy to do. i just gotta figure out where i will stay since everyone is gone for the summer

3) Go to Boston and Providence. Done and done. places to stay, people to see.

4) make a lot of money. should be easy to do as well.

5) finish up my honors thesis. this will be hard. not only am i procrastinator, but i have no interest in my project. It's from a class I took last fall, 15 century Northern European Painting with Steyart. I liked the class, but my interest is lost. I am trying to prove that this
, The Fountain of Grace or Fons Vitae was based on a lost original, done by Jan Van Eyck on a secret embassy sent to Aragon on behalf of Philip IV. I am arguing that is was done by Jan by comparing it to his most famous piece, the Adoration of the Lamb or Ghent Altarpiece.

here's an example of what I might write to give you an idea of how boring this project is. nevermind, you don't care at all.

6) Buy as many vegetables from the farmer's market as possible!

7) Camp and travel as much as possible

8) get and maintain a great tan! (I've already started)


10) meet up with friends, old and new. i.e. everyone is in europe this summer....

11) staying away from the WRC/

12) Crafting, a lot. I'd like to knit something other than a scarf that I can actually wear. I think that Stitch n' bitch will help with that

13) enjoy a lot of iced mochas. easy to do. mix espresso and chocolate, add milk and then ice

14) see if I can donate my eggs and make some money. I have to go to prague, that'll be expensive!

15) survive, somehow, until august, when bella will be my cat

I have lots more, just let me think of them first

the staches

The staches inspired me to restart my blogging career.
i remembered how much fun it was to be in such a small world. when you're at BHS, that is your world.
Now they are fighting, just like we did in high school. and i quit blogging.
I guess Sam Walker did something horrible. I can't figure it out other than he was critical of a fellow mustache buying his dad a dvd? perhaps the story isn't in the blog. lots others are also confused as to why sam was a bad guy.

So some form of higher power didn't want emily and I to go camping this weekend. but we did anyway. and it was a lot of fun! for real.
Sarah said we could use her tent. so emily is packing friday night, no tent. it's going. call sarah, turns out katie has it. so we look for a tent to borrow frantically, calling people who may have wanted to go camping with us. emily even went to Stub and Herb's to see Sol Spectre and hunt down a tent. she got it.
we picked it up saturday morning and went off. we open the tent to set it up. no poles. they're gone. so we had to go to a Big K and buy a tent.

hah. and we stayed at a G rated campground. I think the host was the nicest guy we could have met. he works full time, runs this campground, and is a foster parent for children in the infant-to-five range. and he brings handicapped people down to the creek so they can get into the water. sometimes I wonder if men actually enjoy being dads, and then I meet people like him, and the answer is so clearly yes.

While at the g-rated campground, I proceded to walk around topless, pee in the woods, drink beer, smoke, swear, start a fire in a non-designated area and knock a flower pot into the toilet. not all of these events were planned of course!

This trip was the first trip that I took with my own car! I mean, since I owned the VW. for the last two years I've been driving the corolla, but it only recently officially became mine again.

Now I am back in MPLS at work. I am so bored and tired. ra ra ra. i forgot my book :O



you all won't hear from me for a while.
there was a question of what I should do for the weekend. should I go to brainerd? stay here? go to summer camp? well, the answer is that I am going to Two Harbors. Emily and I will be camping at Gooseberry Falls State Park. We will be hanging in the sun, consuming goods, frolicing in the falls and spending short periods-of-time in the World's largest fresh water lake. i'm pretty excited.
The last time I was there was two summers ago when I took a summer class at CLC. this may have been the best decision in my college career that I made. my aunt martha suggested I take a summer course at clc, and I thought fuck that, who takes classes at CLC besides super-smart PSEO high schoolers, stay-at-home moms and retards? well, me, i guess. the class was full fo retards! seriously. but my professor (is that what you call a junior college teacher?) was pretty cool. and smart, my god. it was once a week for two months. and we went on field trips all the time. in this little retard racer. that retard racer went off road, on three-wheeler tracks, etc. time of my life.
way better than taking evolution or some lame-ass college class here with three hours of lecture, three hours of lab and four chapters a week here. plus i'd probably have an asian that I can't understand anyways. that's what happened in geology.
unfortunately, only the credits, and not the A transfered back to the U.

last night i learned a new word in balderdash.
clinchpoop. which they defined as a real fathead or dummy.
i can't find it on MW, urbandictionary.com
Oxford defines it as A term of contempt for one considered wanting in gentlemanly breeding.....

who knows



A tip of the hat to

1) The martin family. they know how to throw a good get-together, or a mo-down as we call it. i quite like erin's parents. they're not prudes or squares. instead they bought us beer, played some great music, ate some great food and enjoyed a bonfire on the lake.

2) The new library. it's all that. really. there's a teenager room that's really cool, a dunn bros, a huge collection. I couldn't figure out if parking was free or not, so i metered it.

3) Don/Cd Warehouse/Scion. i liked their promotion, a lot! I got the new eels cd for free out of the deal, which was nice.

4) Anna and Annie. Anna made some amazing cake costumes for the AIDS walk and Annie did a great job organizing us! we fought a good fight and got a gift card out of the deal!

A wag of the finger to

1) The minnesota state legislator. y'all know why!

2) me. my grades sucked this semester. i got a 3.59

3) mndot. why do all the entrances and exits to 35W near my house have to be closed? It's very inconvenient.

4) Andrew. i get out of the shower the other day and he asked me for a ride downtown. I said I could do it in fifteen, and he yelled Fuck You to me. then later this week he said we shouldn't watch the daily show because it's such a killer. we watched and got a good reaction. then he put on americana music and went to bed. what a paryt killer.

no, not my brother, sicko.

So I'll begin with this week's crush.
He's just so cute and sweet. I went to a party at 22nd on Friday with Emily. as always I found myself talking to eric because, well he's such a good conversationalist. the poor thing apparentely moved into kevin's place for the summer, as a note, Kevin is in India for engineers w/o borders. the place shares a kitchen with four other people. kevin described them as really cool, eric calls them really awkward and old. for the note, kevin thinks that anyone who likes music from the 60s and 70s and doesn't wear formal clothing is cool. On top of all this, eric is like supersmart, i think. at least i get that impression, and i think he's an honor student, like me. he's like me, a hippie, but an active and aware chick. i remember we were going to run for secia together, but something happened there. He ended up walking me home on friday, wearing this helmet I made last fall and found at the house. he loved that i said the points were inspired by hermes' feathers. i'm not sure he got that it was only made for ascetic purposes, as he kept saying, I don't think this would really protect me.

* not all of my crushes are celebrities, nor are they all unobtainable. all of you are subject to be being my crush. and as much of a crush as I have on eric at the moment, i would never make a move on him. he has a girlfriend, so i might as well be happy for him. after all, he'd be happy for me


as a hipster, am I supposed to hate dinkytown? because I don't. in fact I rather quite like it. I have heard a few friends call dinkytown really lame with no reason. I guess just because they feel the need to be non-conformist or something. I would never want to live in dinkytown, but I like to hang out there. sure there's a lot of stupid crap there, like a huge frickin' mac dos, the library, lots of umpd and a huge goldy's locker room. but there's also a lot of cool shit in dinkytown, like Al's, Annie's, the dinkytowner, everyday people, the purple onion (temporarily closed), espresso royale, loring with it's specials, kafe 421 (great food!), some glass shops and independatnly owned-and-operated music places like Know Name or cd warehouse and finally royal cigar and tobacco, one of the few smoke shops that sells shishah (sic?).
In addition to the fine dining and shopping experiences, dinkytown is full of life. There are always people there, biking, walking and trying to find parking. I like when the city-cat club and loring open up there ginormous windows and people eat outdoors, or indoors with a nice breeze. I like being able to walk to any street corner and pick up an onion, city pages or pulse. I like that the daily is available in the coffeeshops. I like how young it makes me feel when I am there. shit, man. I like dinkytown. on top of all that, it's home to fourth street, positively where robert zimmerman got his start after moving out of hibbing. it's a very small urban area, perfect for us college kids. so deal?

it's cool to disagree with me, but I'd like a reason other than "and dinkytown kinda sucks."

I went to the Walker today to meet up with the art history kids from high school. Mr Lade is finally retiring. omg. It was fine, but i had no interest in seeing the art. all i wanted to do was kick it with max, cool cousin. I feel myself slipping into that pattern again of not caring. kind of like in Greece. I need a ru to slap me and say, you're in greece, who cares about american tv??????


Eat me.

that's what i told a bunch of people today.I was dressed as a piece of cake at the aids walk.

so i had an especially enjoable time with the Star tribune. I'll share with some fav points in an organized fashion.

Let's go section by section in the order I consume the strib.

I. A Section
1. as far as the stadiums I have to build I am mad. on the otherhand to dome sucks
2. I enjoyed the section on religious books. recogninzing names and books. as a scholar on religion, it gave me a smug feeling of satisfaction.

II. Metro/State
1. Shooting at the peace rally. I shit you not. A 16 year-old was shot at the end of a PEACE rally with 1500 participants. While the police are "aggressively investigating" this, no one is introducing legislation to ban hand guns in the state. once a week there's a shooting in north minneapolis! Here's a direct quote from the article "It was a blow to the otherwise 'moving' and 'inspiring' atmosphere of the night."
2.CJ was also quite good. with actual good gossip and only a little bit of resentmen for black men coming through.
3. I am excited about this library. I drank from the same keg as the head of hennepin county libraries in tonka-town last night.

III. Opinion/Exchange (very interesting)
1. I actually agreed with Katherine Kersten. This is the first time I have ever agreed with her. She's so whack that she used and HBO mini series as a proof once. She claimed that since a gay man produced the polygamy special, then polygamy would follow gay marriage! She had a piece asking why papers only use their policy of non-offensive materials when the controversial piece is aimed at Islam. She really nailed the NY Times, I shit you not. pun intended
2. I disliked Garrison Keillor's article. so much so. I got his point, and yes it may be true, but he should get off his high-horse. seriously.
3. They got their stats about homeless people wrong.
4. I know this following rant makes me a hypocrit. Some woman wrote in last night about how much she hates all the books and movies and articles about mothering, that people choose to have kids and thus shouldn't complain, bla bla. Well sure, they do choose to reproduce. raising a kid sounds like hard shit, I think some release through humor must be needed. But what really annoyed me about this letter was that the author seemed to take personal offense at the cards, books, movies etc about parenting.

IV. Comics and A/E
Great as always!

V. Travel.
1. no really cheap airfare
2. I love the Q and A guy. he was so great today, delivering blame where it was due.

VI. Source
Source was especially good, So I'll go backwards through it.
1. Sudoku. I did it in like fifteen minutes. I didn't even have to write in the possibilities. either it was way too easy for a five star, or i've been doing too much online sudoku.
2. Carolyn Hax. DTMFsA, letter two
3. The theme today was what does it mean to be Minnesotan. I agreed with all the articles and really liked the generalizations article. All except for one about Minnesotans and their humour. This one I took personally, as both a minnesotan and a girl with a great sense-of-humor! We get things and have a good sense of humor. The author seemed to thing that Minnesotans are interested in not dissecting things, like passive-agressiveness, that we miss humor. Is there a funnier movie than the Big Lebowski, a coen brothers project? Anyone more obvious in his attacks than Al Franken with his "lie, weasel or half-truth?" Is there anyone more comfortable with his sexuality than Prince?


when i was in harvard....

man i've done a lot in the past few days. yet i still feel very unproductive.
I've really been enjoying having the time to cook myself full meals. seriously. I am usually so hungry, tired and crabby when i get home from school that i just have a salad or something. lately, i've had the world to make me some good shit ta eat..

i want my job thing to be settled. i even went so far as to interview at burito loco. it's as bad as i thought it would be. what a horrible sounding job. i have marwp, the library and maybe wilson library. that would be a cool job, one where I could listen to my iPod even! not that I can't here. i usually just listen to air america. sometimes i wonder if it bothers the people in the same hall as me.

last night erin and i went to downtown target. she is the only friend that I am guaranteed to have a great time with. she's got a wicked sense of humor, and we just click so perfectly. downtown target was great. we got to be bitchy to a security guard, take karts up the escalator, look at bike helmets, etc. this was after dinner at Brit's of course. we have such a cute downtown, btw. not as cute as st paul's. i have to admit, when it comes to downtowns, st paul is so adorable. all the tiny, cute boutiques....

today after breakfast don and i went and rode in some scions. i don't know what they are, toyotas i think. but we got a t shirt and a 15 gift certificate to cd warehouse. i got the new eels cd. not because i particularly wanted it, i just needed to make a choice. what a deal.

i spent the afternoon in the sun at Van cleve with emily and don. i've been at work for the past five hours, bored as hell. it was warm, but not too warm. a lot of people there. my yard and steps are so gross. i want to clean it, but it's not my mess. americans think they can just leave shit in our yard since the busstop is there. assholes.

websudoku is my new addiction while at work. i just had to take a major break because my eyes couldn't handle anymore computer screen.

i've enjoyed my past few days. it was especially nice to see wayne, sarina and nico (Sarina's kitten)



some weekly catch up shit.

So this week's TOTH/WOTF

Tip to
1) Steve Martin. read his book The Pleasure of my Company at work this week. quite enjoyable.

2) Sarah! She kicked so much ass on getting us a place to love. she rocks. and the women's thing

3) Monday night's rainstorm. i saw a double rainbow, that was cool. It led to a nice jog in the rain. BEST YET, it got my hair wet and I found a new do i love. just work some curls into it while it's wet!

4) dmv. my dad accidently put carrie's tabs on malcolm. but i get replacement ones. the system worked!

A wag to

1) The Rec. my membership ends on May 21, and it's 40 for the summer

2) Wisconsin. i couldn't drink their beer, my current bev of choice. and three girls couldn't finish a small thing of cheese curds.

3) my shoes. i invested in nice sandals this year, but they still broke quickly. leaving me to my tevas, leftover from my lesbian phase. remember when I owned the subaru, wore tevas and no panties all summer?

4) Housemates. I hate paying for cable tv. suddenly it got really expensive. everyone agrees except for joe.

Crush of the Week.
It was a close race, but Beck won!
I have been listening to Beck non stop this week. It's like seventh grade all over again. beck has long been on my fav list cuz' he's so hot. In my car I listened guero multiple times. my cd player only plays burned cds and i only have like five cds in there. so i've been diggin on that (it replaced public enemy, which was inspired by do the right thing). And on the iPod i've been listening to guerolito. don't know why. also been listening to a lot of shins and bob dylan.
And then I saw all these ads on the ministore...


I like books. they're funny

I need one 3K art history class. these are my choices, in order of rank.

1) Science Fiction Films. Pro, awesome, a sci fi movie class!!!! the movies are Metropolis (LOVE IT) Frankenstein (virgin), Things to Come The Thing(virgin), Star Wars (Love it less), 2001 (there's also a stanley kubrick class i could take......), Total Recall(virgin) and The Matrix (it's ok. cepf 4 carrie anne moss) con, I have to contract honors it

2) African American Art. Pro: wed night, seems easy and intereseting con: not useful

3) Art since 1945. Pro: class with tara, good for jobs con: prof, contracted honors, class on mon and fri

also, i wish the president would shake up his wardrobe a bit!


did come back. I have been meaning to blog forever. I even created a to do blog list for myself.
We'll finish up and complete the previous entry. In addition to giving me meaning and inspiration for my life and travels, the Coopers also turned me onto the BEST SALAD EVER. seriously. i love salads and eat them all the time, but this was the best I've ever had. there were small bits of basil in there, and they made all the difference. I'll have to start doing that. Also when we were there we were drinking some good czech beer and this kid asked for a corona. And he got it.
Back to friday. that was also the day that Sam moved out of pioneer. I am shocked that he made it a whole year without getting kicked out. I am so proud of him

So Saturday....... women's grounding ritual.
When I was in junior high and high school I was in this group called Circle Luna or hippie girlscouts as we also called ourselves. It was six mom-and-daughters. we would make a circle, call in the elements, directions, god and goddess, etc. and just do all sorts of cool pagan ritual shit. I loved it.
I thought this would be like that, and it was! but i was invited by a friend, Sarah, who I thought knew more people there than she really did. we were immediately made to feel awkward and uncomfortable. all we wanted to do was laugh and get the fuck out of there. but we brought food and a vegetarian potluck is too good to pass up! seriously. so this group was about fifteen chicks with the age range of 20-60. The house was amazing. on the river, about five acres, sweat lodge, organic vegetable farm, labyrinth, trail. etc. so anyway. the introductions were really when we got to see how everyone was. Here's my favorite: I'm princess Nina oka, I am queen of the dolphins. Some other choice quotes from the introduction: I see it's only white people here. my passion is conscience birthing. i am a dancer by calling and i'm lucky to know about this. i'm creating a 10,000 eco city north of san francisco. we were the get away car in a robbery, only we didn't know it at the time. man good shit.
so after the dinner, we booked it out of there! I actually wouldn't have minded staying, but I didn't know anyone else there except for Sarah and Sarina, and they wanted to leave. I mean, I also wanted to laugh at the whole thing, but I was also getting into it. I wouldn't go so far as to say "I can't believe they think they're changing the world." Sure they may or may not be. but is eating bread and drinking wine anymore crazy? no not really. I think tech school is taking the hippie out of sarina.

we were across the river, so we had to go to wisconsin. duh!
we took the very first exit across the river. it brought us to dairy queen! I had a dilly bar. we also got cheese curds there. they were horrible! so salty and not cheesy.
we took a drive along the bay and admired the beauty. GET THIS. the next day I'm reading the travel section looking for cheap flights, and I see PICTURES that I recognize. They were writing on Hudson and how great it is. The next day theyprofiled hudson. They also talked about how on sunday you can buy alcohol there. It mentioned the very store we were at getting pbr. yuck. we tried to drink it and watch jesus christ superstar, but instead we just did sculpey and ate the mythical brownies. Hah, I used mythical.

yesterday I just did sodoku, grocery store, complete cleaning and reangement of my bedroom and drew's grad party. and sleeping in!

On Wednesday I figured out where I am going to live in August. I will live at 21st and como with sarah and emily. We have the bottom unit of a duplex. I've never lived in a duplex, but I think it will be fine. I lived in an apartment once, it was totally fine. and i get to stay in the neighborhood. just move three blocks. and be close to my friends. and live with only two other girls and a cat! a cat that's not my responsibility, just mine to love! I'm going to live with another sarah! and she's also a deadhead. For the first eightteen years of my life, it was my mother sarah the dead head. Then sara b, then my mom again, then sara again, then no sara, then mom, and now no sarah. Until August 1! So I think it means something, all these sarahs. I KNOW it means something that I keep hanging out with hippies. damn, I am just a hippie. I have to repeatedly admit that on this blog! but it's true. the universe is calling me. maybe I should do what that old lady and roll with it! Maybe i'm just to hippied out from may day and saturday,too. another possibility.....

p.s. the title of this post. Saturday I was driving to North Country to get supplies for our vegetarian pot luck contribution. I see this Davanni's car next to me. The license plate said RX 4 PANTS. I just kept thinking to myself "prescription for pants!" then I realized it couldn't say that. It said RX 4 PRTS. then I realized that also didn't make sense. Then I realized it didn't say RX 4 at all, i only wanted it to. then the light turned and we dove our separate ways.

walking with a ghost

This weekend was crazy. a continuation from the last post.
THURSDAY NIGHT. last day of topography of athens (I got an A, btw). YEAH!!! then dinner thing at fred and brad's (as they call themselves). that was good. i meant to leave at 2030 or 2100, but drank a few (three) beers and realized it was 2230 and I had to go! I also found out I still have the MARWP (minnesota archaeological research of the western pelopnnese)
FRIDAY MORNING. my mom texts me at 930. I wake up. I freak out, wondering why my alarm didn't go off. It was still on and the time set on it was 6am. and the time it said it was was 921 am. so the ams matched up. weird. right. this means one of three things happened A) it didn't go off. This is my favorite possibility because I am guilt free! B) I slept through the alarm. the most likely possibility. I've never done it before, though and i had a hard time sleeping all night. C) it went off and I turned it off then on again. I don't like this possibility. maybe i did it accidently, but I've had the same alarm since high school. the even scarier possibilty is that I purposely turned it off. That scares me so much. it means that I care more about sleep than studying. that was my last day of class for the semester and I had planned on napping friday afternoon. so wtf? sometimes i do things to purposely lose or fuck up, but never for school. anywho, I was pissed. but couldn't blame the situation on anyone but myself or maybe an inanimate alarm clock. The final sucked. a lot. i was unprepared.
after the final Don had an attractive proposal of al's and an afternoon of Jews with horns, but I was able to say no! I didn't think i could, but I did.
I dedicated the afternoon to Kabbalah.
Then I came home, watched some AD with Liz and Hillary. napped.
FRIDAY NIGHT. hazy. not gonna lie.
I went to mexican night at dane's house. good food. good times. we had tacos and burritos. at one point someone switched tortilla chips to lime, and I hated it. couldn't stand the lime. it burned my tounge. after finally turning off the hockey (ewwwwww) we left the house. where, to the varsity. I was not excited about the varsity as it cost twelve bucks. 12 bucks! I tried to walk past security, freaked out. and when I asked for a bracelet, I was ided. and i'm only 20. so off to Stub and Herbs. free, and i could have beer and dance to hoofla. ON the walk back I had an umbrella (clearly not mine) and i ended up in Beirman field. I was soaking wet, but in my state didn't mind at all. tom was also with us, we must have picked him up at Stub and Herbs.
So here's the weird part. we broke over some train tracks and security to get into the field walking from dinkytown to como. but then instead of going over the next set of tracks, we went down to 15th. so our trip to beirman was clearly for enjoyment only, and not for shortcutting. luckily it was fun.
Sarah, Sari and I went to a women's cleansing ritual in Stillwater. OMG. this brought me back. I'll blog about it more later. for now, I'm done with work for the day. peace

So Dat SoDak...

A question creeped into my mind recently: Should I boycott South Dakota?
I hadn't really considered it until Thursday night. I was at a prof's house for a dinner thing and his wife mentioned that on her way to Wyoming to see her grandkids, she was going to avoid driving through South Dakota. Wow!!! An older women, a grandma even, avoiding a whole state just because of their law on abortion! If she can do it, so can I!
ONE HUGE PROBLEM: South Dakota is home to Badlands National Park. This is my favorite national park. always has been. I've seen the North Dakota Badlands at Teddy Roosevelt. there's a reason that's the least visited national park. maybe someday I'll see one cooler, but until then this is it. Arches and Bryce Canyon would be the only ones even somewhat close to that. Or I guess Devil's Tower, but I'm not sure that's a NP.
Anywho, I am really conflicted about this. I should go to the badlands, but I ought not to. What to do. NOTE to those not familiar with philosophy and ethics, ought implies a moral or ethical obligation. maybe I can find somewhere else really cool that is only a day's drive away. maybe I should go do some north shore exploring, it's been a few years after all. But oh damn.
Listening to Al Franken gave me some hope. this issue may go to the voters and be rejected if PPMSD can get 16000 signatures.
It was also at this dinner party that I decided I want to be a professor when I grow up. And not a professor for a private college, put a public university. At a private school professors have less to do after getting tenure. At a public school professors are required to continously do research, etc. This house was especially nice because one professor does greek art and one african art. a nice combination. and john waters memorabilia and plants. lots of plants. I just want to have a home that is filled with a lifetime's worth of research and finds from all over the world. I want a passion that I can devote a whole lifetime to, first. Greece is the closest thing I have to that passion. What should I study? after college, should I go to a language school and learn greek, hebrew or latin so I can continue on my classics/religious/history/meditaranaen (sic) thing?
oh yeah. ignore that picture below. I needed a profile pic. That's me stealing a chair from the garbage, if you're wondering.



Crush of the week

You all know I am a crush whore!
Crush of the week:
Zach Braff. Don't be so surprised. He was so dreamy in that movie last night. Really, he was. He begins a little dreary, as one of those enegmatic actors, but he really did change throughout the movie. I was quite impressed. Even though the story was lame, the plot was intersting at least. and he was frickin funny as shit! He had a lot of great little things in the movie, like the pet cemetary scene was great.
too bad he's on scrubs. that show blows

Change in Lifestyle

This weekend I went on a huge hippie binge, now I am recovering with a big emo binge.
My hippie binge included the following, an outdoor steel drum concert, an outdoor jam band concert, a bonfire with guitar and bonafide indians, brandon's band, Jesus Christ Superstar and MAY DAY!!!! Just as a note, May Day is my favorite day of the year.
This year there was no maypole. how sad, but now all I want to do is sing AIN'T GONNA STUDY WAR NO MORE! The parade was good, too. I especially liked the section about books in libraries. The war on libraries is so crazy, in this free country. Something about sitting in the sun, smokin and working on Sarah's dreads felt soooooo good.

So yesterday I began an emo kick. Let me start by saying I'm not really emo, and all my emo music are the biggies, like The Weakerthans or DCFC. I listened to a lot of Pedro The Lion and sang The Shins. Last night I had an urge to watch Garden State for some reason. I didn't really like it that much he first time I saw it, but now I loved it. I think the Shins made me want to watch it, since that band plays an important role in the movie. I loved it completely. The mise-en-scene was sooooooooo great. The best I've seen in a while. Zach Braff was also completely great.
My favorite line: We have to get the one hampster who can't figure out a stupid wheel.


A New friend

I wish I could be a big bitch to everyone the way I am to my dad and brothers. I guess they just hold that special part of my heart, the one where I let my inner-bitch out.
How do you tell someone you're not their friend? There's this kid I know from high school debate. He's nice enough and all, but we were never friends. Now we're myspace and facebook friends and he seems to think that means something that it doesn't. He's just a kid I know from Brainerd.
I wish I could be like my cousins and just put him in his place, but I hate confrontations so much. I am the most passive person in the world and will do anything to avoid confrontation.


Big Changes

Yesterday was my last day of classes in my second-to-last semester EVER. Scary and good. While I am so sick of school, I like campus a lot, and academia. I like having somewhere that I run into my friends all the time, and is such a central location. Class sucked, but it ended with Madonna, as it should have. After class I went to Al's, then work then Tom and Bradon's concert.
That was great, but it led to an early celebracion del cinco de mayo. We went to stub and herbs for another show where I was never asked for an id and constantly had someone putting a beer in my hand. Then some drunk dancing and off to the houses of various persons. It was one of those really good days where it turned out to be sunny and warm, everyone was in a great mood because of NO SCHOOL. and it was just a group of friends who ended the night drinking and singing around a bonfire. how perfect.

Tomorrow is my favorite day of the whole year, THE MAY DAY PARADE AND FESTIVAL! I've been going every year for god knows how long, only missing a few times dut to illness, pissed-off-13-itis and being abroad. It is just so colorful and happy, even when sad. It will begin with a get-together of my mother's friends and their kids. NO more kids may-day where we do crafts, but still the maypole song and dance and decoration as well as a game of DUCK, DUCK, MAY DUCK. possibly a recreation of the myth of persephone, too. sometimes but not always. Then parade, singing and dancing, sun across the lake, tree-of-life raising, etc.

So, If you're looking for something hippie, fun and outdoors tomorrow, you should come.


Tip of the hat, wag of the finger

Tip of the hat
1) Al's. I had eggs there for the first time in well over a year. Bravo, Al's, Bravo.
2) Fine Line. great hair cut!
3) Staches, duh! They've reminded me of the joy of blogging. Being in college I forget what it's like to belong to such a small group, but they have done so much to remind me.
4) Keith's Kettle. For two reasons, one The Amazing Jim, professional pianist (live music at Keiths, live music) second, they serve breakfast all day, so I could eat something there. And the waitron was to die for.

Wag of the Finger
1) CLC, they ruined my favorite musical/ rock opera of all time. Jesus Christ Superstar. sure they have no budget and a tiny stage, but they could have moved around a bit. Also, Judas' suicide is pretty important to the story!
2) Campus and/or The Onion. About a month ago they took away the onion stand behinf Johnston and replaced it with a mail box. There'e some mail boxes one block down in front of Eddy Hall. So now I can't grab one on my daily walk from east to west bank! Also, am I the only one that read Jean Teasedale last week? and the AV club fucked up the quotes! (NERD)
3) ME, I guess. for some reason I have two complete CCR albums in my iTunes, and I HATE CCR. I wouldn't hold out much hope.
4) Brownies. nuff' said

Hop on the train

trust me, i blogged before it was cool. thanks to a certain graham in high school, I was way in.
Then I went to college and stopped because no one blogged and I spent my time slacking off. back when I lived on the bank of the mighty mississippi.

The facebook got me back on to the joys of internet personalities. I facebooked like every day, but now try to keep my updates down so as not to be supre annoying.

About a month ago I started reading my cousin's group blog. It is so hilarious, I read it all the time. It reminds me a lot of what the golden day of blogs were. I found out lots of people blog at BHS still and sometimes I read their blogs. so they've inspired me.

This lets me change my appearance on the web outside of facebook.

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